Articles Museos

Delimitació dels espais museístics a les Illes Balears. Una proposta per al seu estudi

Lourdes Melis Gomila

Publication date: 22/02/2024


Per desenvolupar estudis de l’àmbit museístic és necessari saber quins centres existeixen. A les Illes Balears, la documentació oficial no proporciona aquesta informació. Per això, s’ha definit una metodologia per obtenir un cens de museus. Aquest es considera una eina indispensable per elaborar estudis de caràcter general que permetin definir la realitat museística de les Balears.


Educar en drets culturals als museus

Alfons Martinell Sempere

Publication date: 27/06/2024


L'article reflexiona sobre la necessitat d'una millor fonamentació de les polítiques culturals públiques en base als drets humans, i més concretament als drets culturals. Interpreta la legislació sobre patrimoni i museus en relació amb els informes de les Nacions Unides en el camp dels drets culturals i el patrimoni cultural. Presenta un conjunt de reflexions i propostes per a una major implicació dels museus en la difusió i l’educació en drets culturals.


#Streetmar. El patrimoni marítim en diàleg amb el carrer. Crònica d’un procés de cocreació expositiva informal

Albert Forés Gómez

Publication date: 31/01/2024


#Streetmar és una exposició que sorgeix de l’emergència. És coneguda la dificultat de publicar una licitació i muntar una exposició. Gairebé no serveix de res la planificació ni marcar-se dates d’inauguració, ja que es poden veure alterades per qualsevol entrebanc administratiu. Cal afegir-hi la manca de mitjans humans per executar els projectes. És llavors que s’activen les xarxes de professionals i companys de feina, a les quals cal sumar el teixit associatiu que envolta un museu, en aquest cas el Museu Marítim, que té vocació de ser un museu social que generi eines de participació ciutadana. És en aquest moment que el museòleg ha d’analitzar les eines amb què compta per superar un punt d’estancament i retrocés del projecte. #Streetmar és això, una sortida a l’emergència.


#museuobert: una iniciativa perquè els museus no s’aturessin durant el confinament

Enric Zapatero , Mari Vállez

Publication date: 26/07/2022


The COVID-19 pandemic initially led to a lockdown that halted cultural activity around the world. Museums had to close their doors and the only means of communication was through their own digital spaces. Initiatives such as #museuobert were born out of the need to keep the cultural sector alive and at the same time helped change the paradigm of digital communication in museums. Making their collections available online is the present and future of many museums. Communication departments need to understand this and adapt to the situation in order to be present in the social and cultural conversation.



Museums and the Elderly. What Can We Do?

Maria Teresa Pérez Testor

Publication date: 09/11/2022


This article is a compilation of activities for the elderly carried out since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The museum is approaching,” “Museums just a click away,” “Museums visit you,” “Museums are waiting for you,” “Elderly Art,” “With or without sugar,” “CulturalMENT Project,” “Welcoming the Elderly,” (DIM 2021), “Contrast sessions for projects aimed at the elderly.”

These activities have been organized by different entities such as Apropa Cultura, the Museums and Accessibility Working Group, the Barcelona City Council, the Public Health Agency of the Barcelona City Council, the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia, the Management of the Provincial Council of Barcelona, and the Reflection Group of Activities and Publics.


The Iberians, Protagonists of the Recent Archeological Exhibiting Offer

Núria Molist , Gabriel de Prado , Carme Rovira

Publication date: 28/11/2022


Between 2021 and 2022, an outstanding number of temporary exhibitions in archeology, and specifically dedicated to the culture of the Iberians, were organized in Spain, either from a global approach or through more specific aspects. In this work, we analyze these samples focusing on their narrative, organization and museographic presentation.


Teenagers and museums. The impossible audience?

Analysis of the perceptions and opinions of young people and adolescents on museums

Marta Miras

Publication date: 09/11/2021


This research aims to focus on the perceptions and opinions of young people in relation to museums, whether this alleged disinterest is really the result of a totally “hormonal” stage where you have your head in the clouds or if institutions do not know how to adapt to this type of audience, and are not offering the stimuli, language, and answers they seek. What is the middle term we need to understand us? Is it possible to reach a balance between us?


Review: Teresa Blanch Bofill, La gestió dels museus i el patrimoni en les polítiques culturals a Catalunya (1980-2018)

PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018.

Daniel Rico Camps

Publication date: 14/05/2020


In this paper, the author analyzes critically and comprehensively what have been the models of management and financing of museums and cultural heritage in Catalonia during the last forty years. She also poses a series of reflections on the current state of the sector and the strategic policies that are being designed today to relocate and adapt it to the social, economic and technological changes that it will face in the XXI century.


Museums for a fairer world: XXI Museums and Education Seminar: Sustainability

Gemma Carbó Ribugent , Mireia Mayolas Créixams

Publication date: 24/07/2019


The challenge of changing the world is undoubtedly fascinating and the need for it, prevailing. If Greta Thunberg, only sixteen years old at the time, has set for herself the mission to leading the defense against climate change, every museum professional and every institution should be able to embrace a personal and collective commitment in favor of this global agenda.
This is the starting point for the XXI Museums and Education Seminar, of the MMB,  which was held on April 30, 2019, under the title "Education and Sustainability". This event was organized by both the Museu Marítim de Barcelona (Maritime Museum of Barcelona) and the Museu de la Vida Rural de la Fundació Carulla (Museum of the Rural Life of the Carulla Foundation), near Tarragona.


Review: La gestió dels museus i el patrimoni en les polítiques culturals a Catalunya (1980-2018)

PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018. Teresa Blanch Bofill

Daniel Rico Camps

Publication date: 09/12/2019


In this paper, the author analyzes critically and comprehensively what have been the models of management and financing of museums and cultural heritage in Catalonia during the last forty years. She also poses a series of reflections on the current state of the sector and the strategic policies that are being designed today to relocate and adapt it to the social, economic and technological changes that it will face in the XXI century.
