Articles Patrimonio

ºCrònica de la XXXIV Jornada de la Xarxa de Museus Locals: “Museus, conflictes i crisis humanitàries: el patrimoni com a eina de construcció massiva”

Autores: Marta Bertran Armadans (tècnica de patrimoni cultural), Laura Costa Mateo (cap de la Unitat de la Xarxa de Museus Locals) i Muntsa Guasch Solé (tècnica de patrimoni cultural) – Oficina de Patrimoni Cultural, Diputació de Barcelona

Marta Bertran Armadans , Laura Costa , Muntsa Guasch Solé

Publication date: 27/04/2023


El 22 de novembre de 2022 es va celebrar al Paranimf de l’Escola Industrial, a Barcelona, la jornada “Museus, conflictes i crisis humanitàries. El patrimoni com a eina de construcció massiva”, que es va poder seguir tant de manera presencial com en línia. Al llarg de la jornada, destacats especialistes de la matèria i professionals del sector museístic van reflexionar sobre com els museus poden intervenir durant i després dels conflictes i les crisis humanitàries. Tant pel que fa a la salvaguarda dels béns patrimonials, com a les iniciatives d’acció social i humanitària, i a la tasca de reparació, memòria i educació per la pau. En aquest article es recullen les aportacions realitzades pels ponents que hi van intervenir, així com una reflexió final a tall de conclusió.


#museuobert: una iniciativa perquè els museus no s’aturessin durant el confinament

Enric Zapatero , Mari Vállez

Publication date: 26/07/2022


The COVID-19 pandemic initially led to a lockdown that halted cultural activity around the world. Museums had to close their doors and the only means of communication was through their own digital spaces. Initiatives such as #museuobert were born out of the need to keep the cultural sector alive and at the same time helped change the paradigm of digital communication in museums. Making their collections available online is the present and future of many museums. Communication departments need to understand this and adapt to the situation in order to be present in the social and cultural conversation.



New times and new museography

#NouMuseuPortTarragona (New Tarragona Port Museum)

Mercè Toldrà Dalmau

Publication date: 27/07/2022


Comprehensive renovation of a port museum created in 2000. The passage of time translated into the need to intervene both in the adaptation of the building (an old goods warehouse) and in a new museography to achieve a more exciting, active and modern experience. Interactivity and immersion are present in the #NouMuseuPortTarragona.


The Impact of the Pandemic on Catalan Museums

Antoni Laporte

Publication date: 20/09/2022


Covid-19 caused a profound impact on the Catalan cultural system and, as a result, on the heritage field too. The global nature of the pandemic had similar effects in all countries. The lockdown first and the following limitations on mobility during the two years of the pandemic caused severe blows on attendance to museums, their income and especially their work teams. The imprint of this crisis left a profound mark in the sector, from fierce situations such as shutdowns and the resulting layoffs to the suspension of many activities. It should be noted that its different effects can be classified according to three main factors: location (museums located in territories with a strong tourist dependence have suffered the most), size (managing teams during lockdown and teleworking has been more complex for large organizations), and ownership (although the impact of the pandemic has been widespread and large and publicly owned museums have suffered severe consequences, the situation has been even more dramatic among the rich network of private facilities, which mostly depend on the income that they gather from visitors). In these long months of the pandemic, the sector focused a very considerable part of its efforts on increasing and improving its digital offer. Hopefully, at least, we used this crisis to consolidate some insight and to update digital resources.


Review: Teresa Blanch Bofill, La gestió dels museus i el patrimoni en les polítiques culturals a Catalunya (1980-2018)

PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018.

Daniel Rico Camps

Publication date: 14/05/2020


In this paper, the author analyzes critically and comprehensively what have been the models of management and financing of museums and cultural heritage in Catalonia during the last forty years. She also poses a series of reflections on the current state of the sector and the strategic policies that are being designed today to relocate and adapt it to the social, economic and technological changes that it will face in the XXI century.


El Museu Virtual de la Moda de Catalunya

Projecte, gestió i nous desafiaments de la museologia digital

Grup Walden

Publication date: 22/03/2019


Throughout history, fashion has played an important role in the manufacturing and commercial landscape of countries – and still does. A large number of Catalan museums reflect this reality and preserve numerous items of clothing in their storehouses, largely unknown to the general public. The Museu Virtual de la Moda de Catalunya, a virtual museum of the Catalan fashion, aims at enhancing the notability of such a cultural heritage in an innovative way and without dissociating it from its original territory. In this regard the Museu Virtual arises as a proposal to work, together with 38 museums from all over the Catalan territory, on the management and transfer of the knowledge related to this heritage through an online platform, tackling the latest challenges of the digital museology.
