Articles Exposicions temporals

The Iberians, Protagonists of the Recent Archeological Exhibiting Offer

Núria Molist , Gabriel de Prado , Carme Rovira

Publication date: 28/11/2022


Between 2021 and 2022, an outstanding number of temporary exhibitions in archeology, and specifically dedicated to the culture of the Iberians, were organized in Spain, either from a global approach or through more specific aspects. In this work, we analyze these samples focusing on their narrative, organization and museographic presentation.


Mars. The Red Mirror

Genesis of an Exhibition

Juan Insua

Publication date: 17/11/2021


Why Mars? An exhibition on Mars could only make sense if it connected with the great dilemmas of a present-future that has become radically strange to the human species without forgetting the fascination that the fourth planet in the solar system has exerted over the centuries.

This article summarizes the work process and the vicissitudes of an exhibition that was fully affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The exhibition “Mars. The Red Mirror” has been a complex project, and ended up being one of the most visited exhibitions at the CCCB.


Anàlisi dels espais arqueològics reconstruïts versus els consolidats - visions totals, visions parcials

Clara Masriera i Esquerra


Per bruixa i metzinera: la cacera de bruixes a Catalunya

Joan Vicens i Tarré


Reflexions sobre el comissariat de l'exposició Barcelona 1900

Teresa Sala


Mostrar el patrimoni, transmetre la història: a pròposit de l'exposició Tarraco, capitale de la Hispania citerior

Lluís Pau i Pilar Sada
