Articles Catalunya

El Museu Virtual de la Moda de Catalunya

Projecte, gestió i nous desafiaments de la museologia digital

Grup Walden

Publication date: 22/03/2019


Throughout history, fashion has played an important role in the manufacturing and commercial landscape of countries – and still does. A large number of Catalan museums reflect this reality and preserve numerous items of clothing in their storehouses, largely unknown to the general public. The Museu Virtual de la Moda de Catalunya, a virtual museum of the Catalan fashion, aims at enhancing the notability of such a cultural heritage in an innovative way and without dissociating it from its original territory. In this regard the Museu Virtual arises as a proposal to work, together with 38 museums from all over the Catalan territory, on the management and transfer of the knowledge related to this heritage through an online platform, tackling the latest challenges of the digital museology.


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